____ TAB US Sports

____ TAB US Sports

____ TAB US Sports


____ TAB US Sports

____ TAB US Sports

____ TAB US Sports

Agency_ M&C Saatchi
Brand_ TAB
Prod Co_ MOFA
Director_ Nick Kelly

Resolution brought their expertise in VFX supervision and in-camera know-how to the table working with MOFA’s Nick Kelly on location in an epic three day shoot on Pittwater, Sydney. Tim Dyroff looked after the VFX supervision and because time was short he opted for a more traditional path for the VFX approach, multiplying the 15 sea craft from in-camera footage and additional VFX passes into 75. We also used 3D as a previz tool to work out the best way to film the high angle drone shot, testing the idea before a single boat hit the waves.


The making of  TAB US Sports


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