
____ Sydney Opera House Die Tote Stadt2022

____ Montage 2022

____ Montage 2022

____ Sydney Opera House Die Tote Stadt 

Working with Oscar-nominated director Bruce Beresford, designer John Stoddart and the Sydney Opera house creative team, the brief was to create dreamlike atmospheric visuals that seamlessly interact with the stage design for Die Tote Stadt.

Using a combination of live-action, photographed and stock imagery, the RESX design team developed a treatment designed specifically for the opera that would evoke the darkness and uncertainty of the ancient Belgian city, Bruges (the backdrop for the opera), tying the whole production together visually. As part of the set, four large-scale projection screens displayed interactive content throughout the show.

The films were synchronised to the orchestra score through a media server, ensuring that a time-critical performance was achieved. Providing an ethereal visual element to the opera directed by Bruce Beresford, the atmospheric ghostly visuals were integral to Bruce Beresford's opera.


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